Mountain Organic Landscaping | Vail Valley Colorado

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Protecting our environment

Mountain Organic and some of its staff participated in the global Climate strike on Friday September 20th in Avon, Colorado.

The protests are partly inspired by the activism of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg , who has staged weekly demonstrations under the heading “Fridays for Future” over the past year, calling on world leaders to step up their efforts against global warming. A report released in 2018 by a U.N. science panel concluded that there’s still a chance to meet the 2015 Paris climate accord’s goal of keeping global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100, compared to pre-industrial times, however to achieve this goal will require drastic measures, including ending the use of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal by mid-century.

What can you do to help assist in the process of slowing climate change?

Participate in some local programs such as the Mountain Rec LED light bulb swap. A program started within the Environmental Protection Agency, LED light bulbs are becoming a competitive option versus traditional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. Though LED light bulbs pose a higher up-front cost, they last at least 14 years longer than standard incandescent bulbs, cost nearly $6 less per year, and use 9 watts of energy as opposed to 60. Join the movement toward LED bulb replacement in your home.

The outdoor clothing company Patagonia has pledged to reach carbon neutrality by 2025 across their entire business, including their supply chain. The supply chain includes crops grown to make yarn, sewing fabric into garments and shipping of finished clothing to warehouses, stores and homes. This is a tall order but Patagonia is working toward their pledge.

At Mountain Organic Landscaping we are small but working toward this cause also. Including recycling all new plant plastic containers at a special facility in Boulder, encouraging no single use plastic containers within our workforce (we supply water bottles for all staff) and ensuring all our landscaping and irrigation practices are toxin and pesticide free, while also limiting use of fossil fuel equipment wherever possible.

We encourage you to do what you can to save our earth and slow the Climate change phenonenon.

See below for links to how some companies and organisations are working toward slowing the Global climate changes.