Colorado Water Law and the landscaping / irrigation business role in sustainability

Welcome to a multi-part blog about Colorado Water, our water laws and how businesses and community members can help in making our community landscapes more sustainable.

As a member of a Colorado community you should be aware and know about the Colorado Water Law.

This law includes some fundamental and common sense principles that we should embrace and be cognizant of.

  1. All water use in Colorado must be reasonable and beneficial and cannot be wasted.

  2. Irrigation can be classified as a beneficial water use

  3. Reasonable use varies as the current situation changes e.g. drought may influence the amount of irrigation permitted in communities to ensure the water use is reasonable.

Colorado has a Water Plan which is a way to implement a plan to meet the state’s water needs and challenges.

How can you help Colorado continue to implement its Water Plan that was finalized in 2015?

Start by replacing old faucets, showerheads, toilets with WaterSense labelled products.

The WaterSense Program is a label for water efficient products and resources for saving water

Look for this label on products you are purchasing

Look for this label on products you are purchasing

Additional valuable resources in educating yourself about water include -

Alliance for water efficiency - a non profit organisation dedicated to efficient and sustainable use of water. This organisation advocates for water efficient products and programs and assists in water conservation efforts.

And finally Colorado Waterwise is an organisation that provides resources to the Colorado water conservation community

As a residential community member what can you do to assist Colorado with water conservation while enjoying the beauty of a garden landscape and place to view our great state?

  1. Use weather based irrigation controllers

  2. Use high efficiency irrigation components

  3. Buy WaterSense toilets and clothes washers.

Next Blog will cover Sustainable Landscaping, stay tuned….